June 10, 2020

Emergency Relief to help meet the basic needs of the children

Andrea Davis Commercial Real Estate Company’s philanthropic partner, 200 Orphanages Worldwide, is receiving requests from partners around the world for Emergency Relief to help meet the basic needs of the children in their care. COVID-19 has required cancellations of fundraisers which in normal times would provide for day to day operations. 

Last year, because of you, our Wine to Water fundraiser helped provide phase one of the well for the 50 girls, 300 students and staff, and the surrounding community for Mainsprings in Tanzania. The girls are now supplied ample water for their daily needs. 

Currently, 200 Orphanages partners need help with their day to day provisions and it would be great if we could do something to help. We’re asking if you would please help us raise $5,000 for food, fuel for generators, and medicines for the kids in need. Thank you for considering a donation! 

As always, the needs are great, and we know we can’t do it all, but we can all do something. Find out more at http://www.200orphanagesworldwide.org/projects/basicneeds or donate directly by clicking here. 

200 Orphanages Worldwide is a 501 (C)3 providing safety, shelter and sustainability for orphans around the world since 2008. 704 228th Ave NE #236 Sammamish WA 98074 

Thank you for your help! Andrea Davis