Part IV – SimpLEASEity – Commercial Real Estate Overview

We’re going to keep this brief… Before SimpLEASEity’s™ 11-steps of leasing can be executed, it’s necessary to understand a few commercial real estate (CRE) fundamentals. The key to Tenant success is twofold. Appreciate how CRE fundamentals fit into the larger scheme of a lease. Recognize the importance of retaining experienced Tenant Representation to save money on your new lease or renewal. CRE is BIG business. This powerful industry dominates world affairs and it fuels our economy.  CRE is built on long standing relationships with BIG money behind it. From the beginning of time, landowners have held the power. As a

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Part III – SimpLEASEity

Why a Tenant Rep? A Tenant Rep is a highly trained specialist who safeguards lease exposure, manages expectations, analyses each property, and assures the negotiated lease terms are what market conditions dictate as fair.  The Tenant Rep keeps you informed of industry changes, trends and will assist with lease renewals. Think about it, a business owner seldom searches for office space.  At most, a company moves two or three, maybe four times during its business life.  The average lease term is three to five years, sometimes ten. If the lease is written well from the get-go, the Tenant Rep will

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SimpLEASEity – 11 Money-Saving Office Lease Techniques Using a Commercial Real Estate Tenant Representative

“Knowledge is power, and power is $”. This adage used by most businesses is the quintessential equation for the commercial real estate industry. Introduction The commercial real estate arena peeked my interest over twenty-five years ago. I say arena because I equate the lease transaction process to battle by gladiators in Roman times like Maximus, Russell Crowe, in the movie Gladiators. When Maximus entered the arena, he fought for every win. Well, I don’t fight for my life, but as a Commercial Real Estate Tenant Representative I do fight for the best deal for every client on each transaction. Each

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